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Importance of Fundamental Motor Skills

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Tennis lessons in Singapore by Vamos Tennis Singapore are definitely a program for your child. Not only we work on a specific sports but rather skills which will development them to be an active person.

Fundamental movement skills are a specific set of skills that involve different body parts such as feet, legs, trunk, head, arms and hands. These skills are the “building blocks” for more complex and specialised skills that kids will need throughout their lives to competently participate in different games, sports and recreational activities.

Our tennis lessons in Singapore for the toddlers or kids will develop many skiils such as

– Balance skills (movement where body remains in place, but moves around its horizontal and vertical axes,

– locomotors skills ( such as jumping, running, hopping and galloping, ball skills – such as catching throwing , kicking, underarm roll, overhead throw and striking


Skill development by age

Between the ages of three and five years, children are starting to develop their fundamental movement skills (FMS) and enjoy a wide variety of activities.

Three-year olds: Developmentally, three-year olds are still developing the basic skills required for play. They’re able to perform the following FMS:

  • Climb jungle gyms and ladders
  • Run on toes
  • Balance on one leg for a short time
  • Kick a ball from a standing position.

Four-year olds: Four-year olds are developing quickly and learn a lot from their experiences and their play environment. They’re able to perform the following FMS:

  • Gallop
  • Hop forward
  • Do lame duck skip (only one foot “skips”)
  • Throw a ball 3.5 metres overhand
  • Kick a large rolling ball.

Five-year olds: Five-year olds begin to display a variety of styles of play, including copying others, creative play, and making up their own games or activities. They’re able to perform the following:

  • Run through an obstacle course avoiding objects
  • Skip forward
  • Maintain balance on a moveable platform
  • Throw a ball with direction and force.

The development of the child should be done implicitly and not explicitly so that they can learn faster and adapt faster. Most importantly they explore, they experience and they achieve. A child development shouldn’t only stop but should be challanged each and every single time. A variety of sports help but our goals would definitely make your kid good in Tennis especially the best tennis players in Singapore. Vamos!

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