Our objective in Vamos Kids is to develop a sense of enthusiasm for the kids, conducting our classes with full-energy and running fun activities that’ll require them to think on their feet. Our programs are structured and will ensure that your kids develop their tennis game. It’s proven that if a child plays sports at a young age, it will benefit them later, teaching them many valuable lessons. Tennis would benefit the development of a child’s motor skills like , reaction, reflexes and hand-eye coordination. By doing so, your kids will have the confidence and ability to take up any sports in no time.
Tennis is a very challenging sport to pick up. With so many aspects, such as the pace of the ball, have to think on your feet, anticipating the game, reading the game and problem-solving in game, tennis can be used as a tool to help set your kids up for different situations they may encounter in the future. Not to forget, Vamos Tennis also ensures that your kids get a good workout! We teach your kids the game for the very first lesson, encouraging them to serve, rally, volley right from the start so that they can learn at a more efficient pace, and also learn to enjoy playing tennis.
All our coaches are certified tennis coaches, we make it compulsory that all coaches understands that they play an important role in the kids tennis development. Coaches go through an extensive in-house training conducted by our level 2 coach, a tennis educator, who teaches them to make tennis look easy and fun, making it more attractive for your kids.
Depending on your preference, a session usually lasts between 1-2 hours.